Terms and Conditions

These General Conditions of Use (hereinafter, the "Conditions") describe the terms applicable to the services and content offered through the website, which is owned by the company Addiction, SRL., (hereinafter, "Addictionrd " or "Addiction SRL").

Acceptance of the Conditions

The simple access to this Website or the mere use of the services offered through it attributes the status of user (hereinafter, the "User") of the Website and implies full and unreserved acceptance of the Conditions. included in this document.

The provision of the services and content offered through this Website will always be conditioned on the acceptance of these Conditions. If the User does not accept these Conditions, they must refrain from accessing the Website of Addictionrd and/or use the services offered through it.

Addictionrd reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the structure, configuration and design of this Website, as well as these Conditions, and the particular conditions that, where appropriate, may be included. An updated version of them will be permanently available on the Website. The use of the services and/or simple access to the Website of Addictionrd will imply acceptance of any modification introduced, so the User undertakes to firmly and irrevocably consult the content of these Conditions each time they access the Website.

Legal capacity

The services and content offered through this Website are intended for all natural or legal persons who, in accordance with applicable legislation, have sufficient legal capacity to accept these Conditions.

Intellectual and industrial property

All industrial and intellectual property rights, as well as all the information contained on the Website (images, graphic designs, source code, design, navigation structure, databases, and any other content that appears therein) are property exclusive of Addiction SRL.

Through these Conditions, no industrial or intellectual property rights are transferred over the information, products offered on the Website or the Website itself, nor over any of its component elements (images, graphic designs, source code, design, structure navigation, databases, and any other content that appears therein) and the User is expressly prohibited from reproducing, transforming, distributing, publicly communicating, making available, extracting, reusing, forwarding or using it of any nature, for any reason. means or procedure, of any of them, except in cases where it is legally permitted or expressly authorized in writing by Addiction SRL.

The User is only authorized to view and obtain a temporary private copy of the contents for their exclusive personal and private use on their computer systems (software and hardware) and they are not subsequently transferred to third parties. With the previous exceptions, the User may not modify or reproduce, neither in part nor in its entirety, this information, without the express written consent of Addiction SRL. by way of example, but not limitation:

  • The User is not authorized to use the information contained on the Website for the purpose of developing commercial or professional activities (direct sales or for any other type of commercial purpose as well as marketing said information in any way).
  • The User is not authorized to delete, evade, manipulate the "copyright" and other data identifying the rights of Addiction SRL. as well as any protection mechanisms.
  • The User is not authorized to disassemble, decompile or reverse the databases in which the information on the Website is stored.

All information on the Website is protected under copyright. The unauthorized use of the information contained on this Website, its resale, as well as the injury to the industrial and intellectual property rights of Addiction SRL. , will give rise to the legally established responsibilities

The brands (signs, badges and logos) that appear on the Website are used by Addiction, SRL are duly registered or in the process of registration. The names of other products that appear in this document or on the Website may be trademarks or other distinctive signs registered by their respective and legitimate owners.

Link Policy

The introduction of hyperlinks for commercial purposes on web pages other than those of the Company is expressly prohibited. Addiction SRL. , that allow access to this domain, without the prior written consent of Addiction SRL. In any case, the existence of such hyperlinks will not imply in any case the existence of commercial or commercial relations with the owner of the website where the hyperlink is established, nor the acceptance by Addiction SRL. of its contents or services.

On the other hand, Addiction SRL. does not guarantee or assume any type of responsibility for damages suffered by access to third-party content through possible connections, links or links of sites linked from www.addictionrd.com. The function that, where appropriate, such links could have is exclusively to inform users about the existence of other sources of information or other Internet content and services. Addiction SRL. will not in any case be responsible for the results obtained through said links or for the consequences that arise from access by users to them. These third party contents are provided by them, so Addiction SRL. cannot control the legality of such content or the quality of the services offered therein.

Responsibility of ADDICTION SRL

The User assumes all responsibility derived from the use of the Website, being solely responsible for any direct or indirect effect that may arise from the use of said Website, including, but not limited to, any economic, technical and /or adverse legal, as well as the disappointment of the expectations generated by this Website, the User being obliged to hold Addiction SRL harmless. for any claims arising, directly or indirectly, from such events.

Addiction SRL. is not responsible for any damages that may arise from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, breakdowns and/or disconnections in the operational functioning of this electronic system or in the users' computer devices and equipment, caused by causes beyond its control. Addiction SRL. , that prevent or delay the provision of services or navigation through the Website, nor of delays or blockages in use caused by deficiencies or overloads of the Internet or other electronic systems, nor of the impossibility of providing the service or allowing access for reasons not attributable to Addiction SRL. , due to the User, third parties, or cases of force majeure.

Nevertheless, Addiction SRL. declares that it has adopted and will adopt, where appropriate, all necessary measures within its possibilities and the state of technology, to guarantee the correct functioning of this Website and prevent the existence and transmission of viruses and other harmful components to users.

Addiction SRL. reserves the right to interrupt access to the Website, as well as the provision of the services offered through it at any time and without prior notice, whether for technical reasons, security, control, maintenance, due to failures of electrical supply or for any other reason.

Addiction SRL. does not control, in general, the use that users make of the Website. In particular Addiction SRL. does not guarantee under any circumstances that users use the Website in accordance with the law, these Conditions, generally accepted morality and good customs and public order, nor that they do so in a diligent and prudent manner. Consequently, Addiction SRL. is not responsible for the use that the User makes of the content of the Website that may involve a violation of any type of regulation, national or international, industrial and intellectual property rights or any other rights of third parties.

User obligations.

In general terms, the User is obliged to comply with these Conditions, as well as to comply with the special warnings or instructions for use contained therein and to always act in accordance with the law, good customs and the requirements of good faith, using due diligence, and refraining from using this Website in any way that could prevent, damage or deteriorate its normal functioning, the property or rights of Addiction SRL. , its suppliers, the rest of the users or in general any third party. Specifically, and without implying any restriction to the previous section, during the use of the Website www.addictionrd.com the User undertakes to:

  • Provide truthful information about the data requested in any of the forms incorporated into the Website and keep them updated. Addiction SRL. reserves the right, without prejudice to other legal measures at its disposal, to withdraw, deny or suspend access to the Website in the event that the data provided is or may be false, inaccurate or misleading.
  • Do not introduce, store or disseminate on or from the Website any information or material that is defamatory, libelous, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, incites violence or discrimination based on race, sex, ideology, religion or any other reason. in a manner that violates morality, public order, fundamental rights, public freedoms, honor, privacy or the image of third parties and, in general, current regulations.
  • Do not introduce, store or disseminate through this Website any program, data, virus, code, or any other electronic or physical device that is likely to cause damage to it, to any of the services, or to any of the equipment. systems or networks Addiction SRL. , from any other User, from the providers of Addiction SRL. or in general from any third party.
  • Do not carry out advertising or commercial exploitation activities through the Website, and do not use its contents and information to send advertising, or send messages for any other commercial purpose, or to collect or store personal data of third parties.
  • Not use false identities, nor impersonate others when using the Website or when using any of its services, including the use, where appropriate, of passwords or access codes of third parties or in any other way.
  • Not destroy, alter, render useless or damage the data, information, programs or electronic documents of Addiction SRL. , its suppliers or third parties.
  • Do not introduce, store or disseminate through this Website any content that infringes industrial and/or intellectual property rights or business secrets of third parties, nor in general any content of which you do not hold, in accordance with the law, the right to make it available. third party provision.
    Addiction SRL. reserves the right to immediately withdraw access to this Website from those users who, at the discretion of Addiction SRL. contravene the provisions of these Conditions or when said access is used for illegitimate purposes, including those listed in these Conditions, fraudulent or contrary to good faith.


The applicable regulations require that part of the information and/or communications sent to users be in writing. By using this Website, the User accepts that most communications with Addiction SRL. be electronic. Addiction SRL. will contact the User by email or provide information by posting notices on this Website. The User consents to using this electronic means of communication and acknowledges that all contracts, notifications, information and other communications that are sent by Addiction SRL. electronically comply with the legal requirement of being in writing.

The User must send communications and/or notifications to Addiction SRL. preferably through the contact form incorporated into this Website. In accordance with the previous section, and unless otherwise stipulated, Addiction SRL. may send communications to the email address provided by the User for these purposes.


If Addiction SRL. stops insisting on strict compliance by the User with any of the obligations assumed under these Conditions, or if they stop exercising any of the rights or resources that Addiction SRL. is entitled to exercise or interpose under these Conditions, such fact will not constitute a waiver of said rights or resources nor will it exonerate the User from complying with such obligations.

The waivers to demand compliance that may be made Addiction SRL. They will not constitute a waiver of demanding subsequent compliance.

No waiver on the part of Addiction SRL. of these Conditions will take effect, unless it is expressly stipulated that it is a waiver and it is communicated to the User in writing in accordance with the provisions of the previous section.


Any clause or stipulation of these Conditions that is invalid, void or illegal will not affect, harm or invalidate, provided that it is not essential for the fulfillment of the object thereof, any other Conditions or provisions contained herein, which will remain in force and effective. .

Privacy Policy

In Addiction SRL. We keep in mind the confidentiality of the personal information that you voluntarily provide to us. We also believe it is important to inform you about how we use your data. Therefore, we ask that you carefully read this confidentiality notice, since your agreement with its terms means that you voluntarily authorize the collection, use and disclosure of this personal information for purposes exclusively and strictly related to the services, as established. later, all in accordance with the provisions of current legislation.

With the intention of protecting your personal data, we inform you that the personal data you provide us will be processed in a file under the responsibility of Addiction SRL. , whose purposes are:

  • The development, compliance and execution of the purchase and sale contract of the products you have purchased or any other service contract between the two.
  • Respond to the requests you make to us.
  • Provide you with periodic commercial information about marketing or any type of advertising, (mailing, e-mailing, magazine, catalogues, SMS, extracts, raffles, etc.) Addiction SRL. and related companies, with the interest of communicating an offer, novelty for exclusive marketing purposes, formally authorizing Addiction SRL. , whose activities are related to the furniture and decoration, food, financial products, insurance, telecommunications, transportation and assembly sectors, and any other offer that may be of interest, including, in relation to said products, as well as through the making telephone calls. By registering and leaving us your information, you expressly authorize us to send you such communications.
  • Addiction SRL. guarantees that your data will always be treated with absolute confidentiality and professional secrecy. These will only be used Addiction SRL. and will not be disclosed or sold to third parties, except to providers who provide services to the system and who require access to data within the system to provide their services. Addiction SRL. requires these companies to protect your personal data and not use it for any purpose without authorization.
  • It is our responsibility to protect the information you provide to us. He Addiction SRL. uses a variety of security techniques to protect your information, including secure servers, firewalls, and applied data encryption.
  • The client or user may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition to the processing of their data by sending a request in this regard, through written communication addressed to the following address: Calle 6 A, No. 21, Evaristo Morales, Santo Domingo, DN; or to the email: info@addictionrd.com said communication must include name and surname, request in which the request is specified, address for notification purposes, date, signature and photocopy of your ID or other valid document that identifies you.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

The validity, execution and interpretation of these Conditions, content of the portal (hereinafter, the “Portal”) and the services offered through it are governed by the laws applicable in the Dominican Republic, especially the Data Protection Law of Personal character No. 172-13 and as such will be regulated in all its aspects by current legislation therein. Addiction SRL. and the User undertake to try to resolve in an amicable manner any disagreement that may arise in the development of the contractual relationship, prior to going to the competent jurisdiction.

In the event that any conflict, litigation, discrepancy, issue or claim arises resulting from the execution, interpretation and/or application of these Conditions and/or use of the Website, they will be definitively resolved in the Courts of the Dominican Republic, unless a different jurisdiction is established by mandatory norm.

These Conditions of Use, the content of the Portal and the services offered through it are governed by the laws applicable in the Dominican Republic. You agree to use this Portal, and the services provided through it, in accordance with the Constitution of the Dominican Republic, applicable laws, rules or regulations, these rules, the particular conditions applicable to certain services and other notices. , as well as in accordance with morality and public order.

These Conditions and privacy policy are updated as of September 15, 2021

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